Sofware Developer Assesment

Senior Sofware Developer Assesment Questions & Answers.

Q1. Write a function ReadXml($xmlstr) which accepts an XML string as its only argument. Your function should write the names of the nodes and their values.

function ReadXml($xmlstr)
    static $res = '';
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
        $res .= $xml->getName().PHP_EOL;
        foreach($xml->children() as $child)
        $res .= $xml->getName().': '.(string)$xml.PHP_EOL;

    return $res;

Q2. Consider a database with one table called user having two fields: 'id' (type: INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY) 'name' (type: VARCHAR(32)) Write a standard SQL query which retrieves the second highest value of 'id' from the 'user' table. The value returned should be represented using the column name 'id'


Q3. You are given an HTML form, which contains the following entries: … The form has been submitted using the ‘POST’ method. Identify, which of the check-boxes and write (output) their numbers in increasing order. Separate all numbers by spaces (not new lines) and do not use any HTML formatting. For example, if check-boxes 3, 5, and 10 are checked, the only valid output would be: 3 5 10

$res = array();
while(list($checkbox,) = each($_POST))
    $res[] = intval(substr($checkbox,strpos($checkbox,'_') + 1));
echo implode(' ',$res);

Q4. Write a function GetUniqueOnes, which accepts a single argument. The argument is an array of integers, and the function should return the unique integers separated by commas

function GetUniqueOnes($arr)
    $res = implode(',',array_unique($arr));

    return $res;

Q5. Write a function GeneratePassword which accepts two arguments, an integer and a character string consisting of letters (a-z) and digits (0-9).

function GeneratePassword ($length,$chars)
    $res = '';
    $char_length = strlen($chars);
    for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
        $res .= $chars[rand(0,$char_length)];

    return $res;

Q6. Write a function declared as function SplitEmailAddress($address),whose argument will contain string data consisting of a valid e-mail address. This function will take the email address as the argument and return an array with two keys: user for the username part and domain for the domain part of the address. For example, after calling:

$arr = SplitEmailAddress('')
$arr['user'] should contain the string myuser_1and
$arr['domain'] should contain the string
function SplitEmailAddress($address)
    list($user, $domain) = explode('@',$address);
    return array('user' => $user, 'domain' => $domain);

Q7. Write a function declared as function ReformatPhoneNumber($number), whose argument will contain string data representing some phone number data (entered by the user). A valid phone number may consist of between 7 and 12 digits (0..9). Assume that in between some adjacent digits there may optionally appear either a single space, or a single hyphen (-). Any other phone number should be considered invalid.If the phone number is valid, the return value of your function should contain a string containing between 7 and 12 digits, representing the same phone number after removing all hyphens and spaces. If the phone number is invalid, throw a standard PHP5 Exception initialized with the text ‘Invalid phone number’.The first and the last character of the string should be a number.For example, after calling ReformatPhoneNumber(012-345 69) the return value should be 01234569. Calling the function with any of these values: 012345, -012345 678, 01203- 34566, 123456678875432, 1234×567 should result in an exception.

function ReformatPhoneNumber($number)
    if (preg_match('/^(\d[ -]?){7,12}$/', $number, $matches))
        return preg_replace('/[ -]/', '', $number);

    throw new Exception('Invalid phone number');

Q8. Write a function GetLongestString, whose arguments are character strings. It should return an integer representing the length of the longest string passed as its argument; for example: GetLongestString('a', 'aaa', 'aa') should return 3, GetLongestString('a', 'bcd', 'efgh', 'ij', '') should return 4.

function GetLongestString()
    $length = 0;
    foreach(func_get_args() as $arg)

        $var = strlen($arg);
        if($var > $length)
            $length = $var;
    return $length;

Q9. You are given an array in PHP, which contains positive integers and/or recursively nested arrays of positive integers. It may, for example, be initialized as:$arr = array(array(141,151,161), 2, 3, array(101, 202, array(303,404)));Write a function “function MaxArray($arr)” which returns the maximum value contained in $arr or some array nested within $arr. In the example, the returned value should be 404.

function MaxArray($arr)
    $GLOBALS['max'] = 0;
    array_walk_recursive($arr,create_function('$item,$key','if($item > $GLOBALS["max"]) $GLOBALS["max"] = $item;'));
    return $GLOBALS['max'];

Q10. Write a program that outputs the numbers that are divisible by 8 and are between 200 and 600 (inclusive), separated by commas (without spaces or line breaks).

for($i = 200; $i <= 592; $i+=8)
    echo $i.',';
echo $i;

Q11. OOP Concept

Somebody has defined a class called Product as follows:

class Product 
    private $name; 
    private $price; 
    public function Product($name, $price) 
        $this->name = $name;
        $price = $this->price;

    protected function setName($name) 
        return $this->name = ($name == $this->name); 

    protected function setPrice($price) 
        return $price = $this->price = $price; 

    final public function ShowNameAndPrice () 
        echo "This product is called {$this->name} and costs {$this->price} USD.";

Your task is to write a class called FixedProduct which extends the class Product in such a way that e.g. writing:

$prod = new FixedProduct ("a book", "19.99");

will display the text: This product is called a book and costs 19.99 USD. Remember you only need to write the class.

class FixedProduct extends Product {
    public function FixedProduct($name, $price)
        $price = $this->setPrice($price);
        parent::__construct($name, $price);
} `

General error: 2014 Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active.  Consider using PDOStatement::fetchAll().  Alternatively, if your code is only ever going to run against mysql, you may enable query buffering by setting the PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY attribute.
Written on March 16, 2019